New defibrillator installed for Merlin estates

Donal Lynch, community activist and chair of the Merlin Residents Association has announced the installation of a defibrillator for the Merlin Estates, Ballybane on the outer wall of 23 Sruthan Mhuirlinne, Ballybane.

Mr Lynch will be the guardian of the defibrillator ensuring that it is in a safe location, supplying his own electricity, keeping it in a thermostatically heated control environment to prolong the battery life and keep this life saving equipment in perfect working order.

He has organised six members of the community with the three who are already training to complete CPR/ AED defibrillator and choking event lifesaving skills course in April.

Names and contact details will be then published and made available to the community on completion of the course. The defibrillator will also be registered with the national ambulance service.

He would sincerely like to thank Galway City Council for making the provision in the city budget the sum of €2,000 to purchase the defibrillator and an outdoor thermostatic controlled unit to store this very important life saving equipment. He wishes to express his gratitude to councillor Terry o’flaherty for making the monies available from her budget allocation; and to all the members of The ruling pact for agreeding on the funding.

Mr Lynch has campaigned for a defibrillator for the Merlin estates for the past number of years and he is now delighted to have it installed.

“I believe all residential estates in the city should have an outdoor defibrillator on hand in the event of someone falling victim to a cardiac arrest,” he said.


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