More pedestrian crossings needed says Hoare

Fine Gael councillor Eddie Hoare is calling on the Galway City Council to roll out more pedestrian crossings in Galway City

The Galway City Council has confirmed it is completing a feasibility study on the Rahoon Road area with a view to including a safe crossing as part of the new Millars Lane upgrade.

“This news is most welcome and is an important step in the creation of safe routes for both pedestrians and cyclists,” Cllr Hoare says. Enhanced connectivity between neighbourhoods will encourage more active travel. Residents along Rahoon Road have warmly welcomed this news.

Councillor Hoare is also working with the Galway City Council on delivering more crossings along the N59 at Bushypark and Dangan.

“The Bushypark/Dangan area is also being assessed by Transport Infrastructure Ireland and the Galway City Council for pedestrian crossings,” he says. “Traffic counts have been completed in various locations.

“This is a very dangerous stretch with a lot of road users. I will continue to work with the Galway City Council on delivering this project and I look forward to seeing further progress made in the coming weeks and months.”


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