Picturebook by Galway National School student raises funds for GSPCA

University book launches do not often celebrate books made by young people, said Dr Lindsay Myers, one of the academics responsible for the introduction of NUI Galway’s highly successful BA Children’s Studies Degree.

He said however, that universities are for everyone and that a book launch which was held in the University recently was a fitting tribute to the creativity of the younger generation.

The event marked the success of Mútsaí agus an phlaic mhór mhillteach/Mootsy and the Awfully Big Bite by Lindsay Myers and Tara Canniffe and Everyone Must Stay at Home by Bláithín Breathnach.

Mútsaí agus an phlaic mhór mhillteach was illustrated entirely by nine-year old, Spiddal-born, Tara Canniffe, while Everyone must Stay at Home was written and illustrated by Kinvara-based global languages student, Bláithín Breathnach.

Professor Peter Hunt (Cardiff University ) who launched the two books observed that “children’s books are not normally written or illustrated by children”, but this may well be changing – and in Galway too if this talented duo have anything to do about it.

Mútsaí agus an phlaic mhór mhillteach which was first published in English in 2021 has raised €3,186 for the GSPCA; Kennel manager, Emma O’Brien, who accepted the cheque on behalf of the organisation, noted that generous donations such as these are so important. Both books are on sale in Charlie Byrnes, as well as online at the following websites: www.mootsyandme.com and https://blaithinbdesign.ecwid.com/


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