COPE Galway attempts world record for Chinese Whispers

COPE Galway is this weekend attempting to break The Guinness World Records for the largest game of Chinese whispers.

The attempt will take place on the Salthill promenade at 2pm on Bank Holiday Monday June 1. COPE Galway is encouraging locals to participate in the record breaking attempt, and to support the work that the group does with those suffering isolation in the city and county. COPE Galway will have a team of staff and volunteers available from 11am on the day to register people.

A registration marquee will be set up beside the Salthill car-park opposite the Waterfront Hotel. In order to be a valid Guinness World Records attempt all those who participate must sign in on the day. Everyone is welcome and participation is simple, people stand in a line so that they can whisper to each other. The first person writes down the whisper and then whispers to the person beside him/her.

Subsequent participants whisper what they think they heard and so on. The last person then says aloud what he/she heard. The fun is in how distorted the message gets as it goes along the line. “We are aiming to make this a fun event for the whole family,” said Fintan Maher of COPE Galway.

“We came up with the idea for the Chinese whisper as the Irish entry in the Volvo Ocean Race is sponsored by a Chinese company. To give the event an Irish flavour the actual whisper will be ‘as Gaeilge’. We will keep the phrase simple in order to make it easy for everyone to participate.

With the current record standing at 1,330 people, as many participants as possible are required on the day. It is also asked that those who wish to participate in The Guinness World Records attempt to make a minimum donation of €5. This will help COPE Galway to carry on providing services and supports in Galway city and county.

COPE Galway currently provides a range of services including a refuge and outreach supports for women and children affected by domestic violence, accommodation and supports for homeless people, and sustenance and social supports for older people who wish to live in their own home. For more information visit


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