Enter the #IHaveaDream short story competition with Inspiring You and Jeff Kinney

Do you like to dream? Martin Luther King dreamed of a world filled with love, opportunity, and equality. Jeff Kinney imagined a world filled with friendship, family fun, and hilarious adventures.

If you are a dreamer, why not enter the Inspiring You "I Have A Dream" short story competition for seven to 12 year olds, supported by Diary of a Wimpy Kid author Jeff Kinney?

Unfortunately, we are living through turbulent times. Children need to dream now more than ever. As we face into a brighter future, we can work to make our dreams a reality. It is something that the great civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, dedicated his life to achieving.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid author Jeff Kinney is supporting the work of Inspiring You in encouraging children to dream of a tomorrow filled with opportunities and possibilities.

When the Inspiring You team contacted Jeff Kinney and explained how they hoped to encourage children to have fun writing after experiencing a difficult few years, he responded enthusiastically. He has sold more than 250 million books and has several of his stories brought to life in movie format, making him one of the world’s most successful children’s writers.

Inspiring You was formed in 2017 by a group of friends who work in education and media. They work on ideas to encourage children to engage in more real-life activities and to use social media less.

The #IHaveaDream competition is designed to be fun, where students aged between seven and 12 from all over the world are invited to submit a short story of up to 500 words. You are free to include drawings in your story if you wish.

All entrants are included in a draw to win one of five Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, signed by Jeff Kinney himself. One lucky parent/guardian could also win a night of luxury in the historic Claregalway Castle in Co Galway

A selection of entries will also be shared on Inspiring You social media platforms to inspire others to dream of a fun-filled future.

It took Jeff Kinney 10 years of hard work to bring Greg Heffley and his Wimpy Kid friends to life. Jeff and the team at Inspiring You are eagerly awaiting to see what dreams you have and what characters you can create.

The deadline for entries for the #IHaveaDream competition is 8pm on Friday, April 8.

The most important rule of all is that you have fun dreaming up a story.

For competition details or more on the work of Inspiring You, find @inspiringyouirl on social media or visit inspiringyou.ie


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