Phyllis Del Vecchio at The Kenny Gallery

A new show from a leading watercolourist to open Kenny’s 55th annual exhibition schedule

THE 55th Kenny Gallery annual exhibitions schedule begins this Friday, March 4, with the opening of the latest exhibition from leading Irish watercolourists, Phyllis Del Vecchio.

Del Vecchio’s New Paintings will be opened in The Kenny Gallery, Liosban Industrial Estate, at 6pm.The exhibition will be officially launched by Lelia Doolan.


Originally from Massachusetts, Del Vecchio bas lived in Ireland for many years. The West of Ireland remains her inspiration, particularly what might be termed the ‘ intimate landscapes’ of the hedgerow, stream, boreen, wild flowers, and bog birches. Her work is populated by wild birds and animals, but rarely humans. Indeed the only human influence usually seen is an occasional abandoned cottage, or remote fishing lodge.

Del Vecchio paints 'pure' watercolours, in which the light is reflected from the paper, having passed through the various pigments. She uses the white paper as the highest light, and applies transparent washes, one over another, to obtain gradations of light and colour.


This is a good medium for working from nature, as it allows the artist to contend with changing light, and evolve a swift notation of the everyday images which she represents. It is the direct brush stroke with the watercolour, the instant fixing of a thought.

Gallery opening times are 9am to 5pm, Mondays to Saturdays. The exhibition runs until March 29. Admission is free and all are welcome.


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