GALWAY’S SECOND annual African Film Festival takes place this Sunday, starting at 11am in the Town Hall Theatre, showing films from South Africa, Kenya, and Senegal, and all events are free.
The festival will screen Return To Goree, in which the acclaimed singer Youssou N’Dour traces the history of jazz, (4.30pm ); From A Whisper, a winner of five African Film Academy Awards, which deals with the aftermath of the Nairobi Embassy bombings in 1998 (6.15pm ); and an exclusive preview of Jerusalema, a blockbuster action-movie from South Africa which will be introduced by the producer Tendeka Matatu (8pm ). The festival will also have films for children such as the cartoon Kirikou and The Wild Beasts (12 noon ).
The African Film Festival is organised by the Galway One World Centre in conjunction with the Galway Film Society and the Huston School of Film & Digital Media.
For tickets contact the Town Hall on 091 - 569777. For more information contact Trisha at the Galway One World Centre on 091 - 530590,, or