Damien O’Connell is embarking on a walk in memory of his beloved friend, David Conroy. Damien, originally from Ayrfield, invites members of the Galway community to join him on his trek to help raise money for a noble cause.
A tragic car accident in August 2021 took David Conroy away from his loving family, friends, and community. Damien asserted that David was an “inspirational community leader”, a real pillar of his community. He would always “inspire people to be their best”. He was someone who was “always open to learning”, and put his best efforts into everything he did.
David founded Laytown United football club, in which 300 kids now play football on a regular basis. Through this club, David taught its young members about the importance or “being respectful”, working hard, and “putting in effort” to succeed in life. Kids were “kept out of trouble”, thanks to this football club, and were taught to pursue the best lives possible for themselves through an honest living. Damien fondly remembers David’s motto that he would instil in the kids under his care: “if you’re on time, you’re late”.
On the 28th of February, Damien, and many others, will embark on a walk starting from Tuam, all the way to Ayrfield in Dublin. This 182 kilometre trek will start on Monday morning in Tuam town, outside of Pat Joyce’s supermarket. The walk will occur in harmony with the famous song, “Rocky Road to Dublin”, and promises to be an inspiriting event, brimming with community spirit.
This walk hopes to honour David’s legacy as an unforgettable member of the community. Damien told me that his late friend represents coaches, not just in Ireland, but “all around the world”. Coaches like David have an “immense contribution to society”, which often goes unacknowledged. David would even offer kids “stuck at a crossroads” a job in his AC company, or would guide them in their paths to achieving their desired careers.
This fundraiser walk also aims to fulfil David’s dream, to make Laytown United football club “fit for the future”. Damien hopes to gather enough funds to pay for “proper sanitization” and “basic equipment”. There are currently no toilets facilities or lights in the club, hindering its optimal functioning. David’s loved ones and his community wish for the club he so lovingly founded to truly flourish.
Damien believes that this trek will allow David’s family to “find great comfort”, knowing that the community are actively keeping his memory alive. Seeing people “getting out of their comfort zones” and “putting in effort” will help to “spread David’s message” of perseverance.
This walk will occur in conjunction with a football match between Laytown United and Liverpool FC Legends, hoping to raise funds for the local club.
The trek will cross Tuam, Athenry, and Ballinsloe, and Damien calls upon Galway’s community to join him in his endeavour to honour David’s memory, and fulfil his dreams for Laytown United.
For more information, visit the “Rocky Road to Dublin for Conroy” gofundme page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/rocky-road-to-dublin-for-conroy?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1&fbclid=IwAR2dGZaBVExNnGSfi1F9GS0S08BF_luWCTxmYoFSp0qTQiwgNbxKmOUD_3o
Contact Damien O’Connell at: doconnell@lindt.com or 086 811 4447