Superb savings and a top-class service at Liosban Car Wash

Liosban Car Wash and professional valet centre in the Liosban Industrial Estate, Galway, has announced price reductions and savings across all its services.

Get a car washed at the best place in town for €8 or avail of the savings on car valeting. A mini-valet costs €50, and a full-valet €130. Also check out the new super-mini valet, priced at €30 — your car is washed and vacuumed and the interior is left looking like new.

Liosban Car Wash and professional valet centre has always been Galway’s premier car wash and valeting service where high quality is a number one priority, and the standards are unrivalled. With several years’ experience and plenty of satisfied customers, the Liosban Car Wash is undoubtedly the west’s leading car cleaning business.

The new Liosban Car Wash is now open at Cunniffes’s of Cloonboo, situated on the Headford Road, only a few miles from Galway. The same offers apply and a new professional valeting bay is also open at the site.

Don’t miss out on all the great savings and super price reductions during this recession at the Liosban Car Wash and Valet Centre. Call in today and experience a reliable, professional, and friendly service at Galway’s number one car wash and the west’s leading car cleaning specialists.

Contact (091 ) 780927

for more information.


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