Tips for a good night's sleep with Evergreen Healthfoods

Almost everyone has difficulty sleeping at some stage in their lives. Up to one third of the population may suffer from insomnia, which affects emotional wellbeing, concentration, and productivity. Healthy sleep habits can make a big difference. Here are some easy steps you can take to help get your sleep back on track.

Have a regular routine

By providing your body with a consistent bedtime, you can re-set your body clock and get your mind and body into a regular sleep pattern.

Make sure your bedroom is comfortable

The bedroom must be fit for purpose. Neither too hot nor cold, dark and quiet (black-out blinds and double glazed windows or ear plugs can help ) and clean and tidy (who can rest surrounded by mess or clutter? ). A comfortable, supportive, bed and mattress are essential.

Avoid large meals before bed

Ideally leave approximately three hours between your last meal of the day and your scheduled bedtime. Therefore, your body won't keep you awake while trying to digest your dinner.

Cut out the sugar

Fast releasing sugary treats throughout the day, but especially in the evening, negatively impact our blood sugar balance. Disturbed and broken sleep throughout the night can be as a result of a drop in our blood sugars in the middle of the night.

Reduce your caffeine

When it comes to good sleep habits, reducing caffeine is important. Avoid relying on stimulants throughout the day to keep your energy levels stable. If possible, avoid caffeinated drinks after lunch - that goes for fizzy drinks too. Instead opt for a variety of herbal teas which can aid sleep.

Work in some exercise

Exercise enough throughout the day and consider gentle stretching exercises or yoga in the evening.

Turn off the screens

Another healthy sleep habit to take heed of is to watch your screen time. Turn off the TV and the computer, and any technology, after 10pm. It can be hard to switch off and get ready for bed if you are surrounded by blue light which can disrupt your melatonin.

Give natural remedies a try

Consider natural herbal remedies which can just help you drift off naturally. By using these you can alleviate sleep disturbances. Some sufferers swear by floral essences or Bach Rescue Remedies, and aromatherapy products are often found to be useful. Magnesium is also one of nature's natural relaxants and therefore can help relax tired, achy, muscles, helping you relax your body before bedtime.

For more information on how you can support your sleep cycle, talk to one of the fully trained staff in store at Evergreen Healthfoods, or visit


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