Galway businesswoman develops Ireland’s first online international female accelerator for women in digital health and life science

Galway businesswoman Diane Nevin has drawn up an exciting accelerator programme aimed at female entrepreneurs operating in digital health and life science sector.

Grit International Female Accelerator drawn up by Diana Nevin, aims to enable female entrepreneurs operating in digital health and life science with the knowledge and confidence required to scale their individual business. There is no cost to participate and no equity taken.

Diane Nevin is CEO of GDTHealth Network (Global Digital Technologies Health Network ) a not-for-profit membership organisation which provides a global network of digital health and life sciences to collaborate with industry, academia and public sector organisations.

With over 20 years’ experience in business and eHealth consultancy. Diane has also lectured in Galway for six years in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, New Enterprise and Development, Data Analytics, Digital Research & Global Digital Marketing. She is also a current board member of eHealth Ireland HSE, since it was first established in 2015.

Appointed by the HSE Attorney General, Diane’s role as a board member is to discuss, analyse, guide and support all projects that support the implementation of the Irish government’s eHealth strategy. She is also a board member of the EmpowerHer female entrepreneur programme operated through GMIT Innovation Hubs since 2017.

She says she has been privileged to work with major global organisations in digital health and life science, in the areas of digital transformation, data, eHealth, cyber security, AI, IoT and other frontier technology.

From this in-depth knowledge into global digital health and life science current/future needs, Diane Nevin setup GDTHealth Network.

This led to collaboration between members, project partner alignment between members, events membership access and speaking opportunities, global strategic trade missions, international accelerator programmes, education and training.

As part of the GDTHealth Network services, in cooperation with its board and partners, the female international accelerator Grit was developed.

Grit International Female Accelerator aims to enable female entrepreneurs operating in digital health and life science with the knowledge and confidence required to scale their individual business.

The online acceleration programme will provide hands on support and allow participants to gain access to the accumulated knowledge, skills, healthcare and life science entrepreneurial expertise.

Sourcing venture capital is often one of the primary factors that a start-up can succeed or fail. While gender diversity contributes to start-up success, most funding is allocated to male-only entrepreneurial teams.

Women in global healthcare industries, makes up 50% to 75% of the workforces. However, the health technology, female led, by comparison, continues to struggle with a significant gender gap, its workforce is only about one-quarter female.

Health technology, a growing field that includes medical device, device-based diagnostic, digital health, and health information technology companies, sits squarely between the healthcare and high-technology industries. However, its gender landscape remains undefined.

Our objective is to improve this current metric through the learnings obtained within our Grit programme.

This access will be supported by weekly innovative online meetings, interactive workshops, exclusive masterclasses led by core partners, established mentor network and a growing international alumni network.

So how will participants benefit?

They will participate in a 10 week intensive online programme with over 30 online meetings and 45 hours of programme content delivered by industry experts

They will develop the skills required to take the business to the next level

They will receive mentoring from experts within your industry

Their proposals will become investment ready

They can grow their international network

Gain a greater understanding of the many challenges faced when working outside your home market

They will also gain an appreciation of the benefits of:


Product Market Fit

International Market Challenges/Cultures

Ethical Issues/Digital Governance

Cyber Security in Healthcare

AI in Healthcare

Raising Investment


For more details, see


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