Health and wellbeing tips for students

As parents I feel we have a duty to ensure that our children are nurtured and ready for their upcoming stress filled year, fed and watered so to speak, inside and out.

First and foremost, sleep is so important. We all function on different levels of sleep, some of us need 10 hours, some need eight hours, and some of us can have a perfectly functioning day on six hours' sleep. Whatever your need is, and I’m presuming in an exam year it will be the eight hour option, get to know yourself and make sure you get the required amount of sleep during this difficult year. Not getting enough sleep affects your memory and slows down your responses.

Nutrition is also very important. Start your day with a healthy breakfast, include slow release carbohydrates such as porridge and wholegrain bread. Add some protein such as milk, eggs, or yoghurt as these will help to keep you feeling full for longer. We humans do not perform well when we are hungry, so no matter what your day is like make sure to eat something nutritious for breakfast. When you are studying and needing to concentrate, your body will function so much better if it is satisfied and not craving food. Foods that also provide slow release energy include bananas, apples, pears, and raspberries, so perhaps have these handy for snacking.

Don’t eat too much chocolate as it is a quick fix. It will give you that initial feelgood feeling but then it will cause you to crash in a few hours and that crash will make you feel lethargic and cranky.

Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration can cause tiredness, headaches, and diminished concentration.

Be organised. If you are organised you will be confident in everything you do. For your study, be the person that spends hours making flash cards using different colour pens and large writing. Make up songs to assist you with remembering boring material like formulas, or difficult to remember information. Songs actually work for memory, make it fun so that you will not be able to forget it. Map out your week including study and exercise.

Be organised with your clothes and materials that you need on a daily basis. Having your clothes organised the night before will allow you to be that little bit ahead on a daily basis. There is so much you can do to relieve every day stresses and silly complications.

Have your study space organised. Make sure to eliminate any distractions like books or magazines.

Talk to your friends, siblings, and parents about issues you are experiencing. Sometimes it is easy to eliminate a trouble or a stress by just talking about it. Whatever the problem, when it is shared it usually is halved, or better still eliminated.

Exercise. I am sure you are thinking, where will I get the time to exercise? Make it. Make the time. It is key to your overall health and it will help you deal with the stress of this very important year.

Love yourself and allow yourself to smile and laugh. Give yourself praise when you manage to achieve your study goals. Be happy in your achievement. Enjoy this time as it will fly by, and before you know it you will be packing your bag and leaving for your next step in this world.


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