Put back road safety signs, says McDonnell

The road safety signs which were along busy main roads in the city must be re-erected as they play an important role in getting drivers to take care, according to PD Cllr Declan McDonnell.

During his time on the National Safety Council, Cllr McDonnell secured funds to erect a series of hard hitting road safety signs around the city. The signs were mainly concentrated around the motorways on the east side entering the city.

However when it was announced that the Volvo Open Race was to be held in Galway in 2009 the road safety posters were taken down and posters welcoming the race were put in their place.

At a council meeting in April, Cllr McDonnell asked where the road safety posters had gone. He was informed they would be up within six weeks. However this has not happened.

At Monday’s city council meeting, Cllr McDonnell again asked about the signs and was told the matter will be looked into. On Tuesday, he met with officials in City Hall and was told it could cost between €75,000 to €90,000 to re-erect the posters but that it would happen after the Volvo race.

Cllr McDonnell said this was not good enough. He said if part of the money was put towards a road safety campaign for the city he would support it. If that cannot be done then the posters should be re-erected soon.

“The posters delivered messages about drink driving, the use of seatbelts, and non-use of mobile phones while driving,” said Cllr McDonnell. “No posters is sending out the wrong message and I think that’s disgraceful. It’s important they are put back up.”


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