Bernadette Divilly to showcase work from year as Galway Dance Artist in Residence

Nuns Island Theatre event on December 21 will be mix of in-person and online

GALWAY DANCE Artist in Residence 2020-2021, Bernadette Divilly, will showcase the culmination of her work from her residency at a show next week.

Bernadette’s residency is captured in a new publication, Be Dance, from Artisan House Connemara. The publication, and the event, are the culmination of her residency which incorporates BeDance Professional Development Quartet. Her practice, BeDance, is focused on environmentally conscious diversity in public engagement and professional development.

The show and publication launch takes place on Tuesday December 21 at 2.30pm. The guest speaker will be Independent Galway West TD, Catherine Connolly. There will be performances by BeDance dancers: Sophie Hutchinson, Lisa Cliffe, and Yasmin Mello Da Cruz Cabrera, and musicians Sharon Murphy and Clare Sawell. The event will end with a walk to Galway Bay to celebrate the winter solstice at sunset.

'An extraordinary period'


“I was keen to have a record of an extraordinary period which influenced the shape and structure of my residency,” said Bernadette. “The book pays homage, I hope, to all the participants, funders, and community who participated. Artisan House created a publication that showcases this beautifully.”

Bernadette’s dance artist residency, funded by the Arts Council, began in September 2020 and it proved to be a learning curve for the dancers.

“With the world in lockdown, I explored options to be in my home dancing with others in their home locally, nationally, and internationally,” she said. “I came, reluctantly, to engage with technology. I created tutorial videos; made podcasts; conducted workshops and events using Zoom. BeDance is my own dance practice which evolved and took shape during 2020/2021.”

Booking is via See also


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