Cook along online with Little Lou Cooks

Cooking is many things to many people. Lou will admit it herself that she was not a great cook until she took herself off to GMIT to train as a chef at the age of 30. Under the guidance of the talented lecturers she learned to bake, make sauces, cook meat, fish, and vegetables. She then put it into practice in professional kitchens in Galway city for over a decade. Now her food is real, honest, home cooking. She shares her own recipes, with time saving tricks and handy tips to help cooks of all levels produce well balanced tasty food at home. She shares this knowledge with children and adults through her online cooking classes.

In her classes Lou teaches the importance of preparation and timing. The food that is made during the class is then enjoyed by the whole house, and for some class attendees this has created a weekly event at home.

Her passion is helping others, especially parents and children, find their kitchen confidence. Lou looks forward to getting out to demo and cook in the community when restrictions ease.

In the meantime, you can follow her on Facebook and Instagram @littleloucooks. Email, phone 085 7573650, #supportlocal.


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