Mayo Clinic in USA heals wounds and radiation damage

The world-famous Mayo Clinic uses hyperbaric oxygenation for non-healing wounds and ulcers, tissue injuries, and radiation tissue injury.

OxyGeneration in Galway is a non-emergency private hyperbaric oxygenation facility that is dramatically improving its clients’ quality of life, according to part owner Brian Lynch, who also is a solicitor practising in Galway. Some healthcare insurers cover treatments at OxyGeneration.

Hyperbaric oxygenation is part of the care plan for diabetic foot ulcers, non-healing wounds and certain vascular ulcers. One OxyGeneration client had a non-healing painful wound requiring 557 consecutive days of daily dressing changes, but after a total of 43 hyperbaric sessions, the wound healed, and the person was able to return to work, he says.

Hyperbaric oxygenation also helps with tissue injuries following cancer radiation therapy. It can help the injured tissue heal and help relieve certain side effects of cancer radiation treatment (eg, radiation cystitis/ proctitis, osteoradionecrosis and bladder damage ).

Mr Lynch says: “When there is full compliance with the disclosure required for an informed consent to medical intervention and doctors tell their patients of the known benefits of hyperbaric oxygenation, it will be the treatment of choice by the patients, thus helping patients avoid limb amputation surgery, less time in wound healing clinics or avoid urology surgery.”

Next week men’s health issues - erectile dysfunction, prostatitis, and other urology conditions.

Talk to your GP or search online. OxyGeneration can be contacted at 091394444 or


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