TULCA visual arts festival opens on Friday

Artist Jasmine Johnson to display drawings of life during lockdown at the Galway Arts Centre

FRIDAY SEES the return of Galway’s international visual arts festival, TULCA, with exhibitions in the An Post Gallery, Galway Arts Centre, Columban Hall, 126 Gallery, Nun’s Island Theatre, and Pálás Cinema.

The festival is curated by Eoin Dara and entitled ‘There’s nothing here but flesh and bone, there’s nothing more’. It runs from November 5 to 21.

One of the highlights of this year’s festival will be an exhibition of drawings by artist Jasmine Johnson at the Galway Arts Centre, and explore the ordeal of having been alone in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.


Love I by Jasmine Johnson.

The works were inspired by messages and photographs sent to the artist from different LGBT+ friends and loved ones living in cities around the world during various lockdowns. Johnson then made analytical studies of these intimate domestic snapshots to create the works that will be on display during TULCA.

“I was in correspondence with friends, or friends of friends who were negotiating breakups,” Johnson says. “One in particular had gone back to Australia for lockdown and was in a hotel for a two week quarantine. I’d seen pictures of her hotel room on instagram. She had set up what she called an altar. She had a select number of objects to make her serene and safe. I asked her to send me photographs.”


Love III (Laura ) by Jasmine Johnson.

Other artists exhibiting at TULCA 2021 are Sophia Al-Maria, Claire Biddles, Renèe Helèna Browne, Miriam de Búrca, CAConrad, Mariah Garnett, Lauren Gault, Patrick Hough, Adrien Howard & K Patrick, Jasmine Johnson, Vishal Jugdeo & vqueeram, Stanya Kahn, Theodore Kerr, Sekai Machache, Mira Mattar, The Many Headed Hydra, Mícheál McCann, Tonya McMullan, Harun Morrison, Isobel Neviazsky, Laura Ní Fhlaibhín, Nisha Ramayya, Amanda Rice, and Jay G Ying.

Exhibitions will be in person and will adhere to Government guidelines.


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