Following a very successful taster session at the start of October, Renmore Hockey are commencing underage coaching with our first session on Saturday the 30th of October. Boys and girls from 1st to 6th Class are welcome to join us from 1.45 to 3pm at the astroturf cages in Mervue United Soccer Club's grounds.
Every child must have shin guards and a mouthguard to be allowed onto the pitch.
Children will need to purchase their own sticks. SoHockey will be in attendance on the day with a pop up shop to purchase sticks and any other equipment needed.
We ask parents to register in advance by contacting the club via email. Every child must have insurance from Hockey Ireland to train. The cost for this is €10 and is payable (in cash ) at the first session. If you paid this for your child at our taster session you do not need to pay again. We will have a registration fee which will cover the costs of renting pitch time etc and we will give details of this once they are available.
All in Renmore Hockey Club are very much looking forward to growing our club and watching the children develop and love our sport! Hockey is a hugely popular game, particularly in Galway secondary schools and it will be great for children to have the chance to play on this side of the city before they move on to secondary.
For more information, to sign up for training. or if you have any questions please email or contact us via our website