Swim or take a cold shower in Coldtober for Helplink

Building on last year’s successful sea-swimming fundraising challenge organised by students from NUI Galway for our services, the team at Helplink is to hold a national, month-long sea swimming fundraiser challenge called Coldtober.

Coldtober is a fundraising event for the entire month of October when each day they invite you to join us in asea swimming fundraiser challenge to help us get one step closer to meeting our mission; to support children, young people and adults with their mental health.

More than 20 different locations around Ireland will see participants going for a swim every day for this 31-day challenge in their local sea swimming area.

Follow the journey on their social media pages, and tag on Instagram @HelplinkMentalHealth or Twitter @HelplinkMH and use the hashtag #Coldtober to join in.

Register today to take part in our challenge and receive your registration pack with goodies from our sponsors, including the Coldtober Portwest beanie, and the delicious, unique Solaris Tea to warm you up after your sea swim.

For anyone who would like to take part but is not near a sea swimming spot, you can take part by having a 30-second cold shower each day.

Registration is €30 and you can sign up here > https://buy.stripe.com/6oE2apd9bfbe0I8fYY

Donate to this cause here > https://www.idonate.ie/event/3068_coldtober.html

Your Coldtober donation will provide:

Free and low cost mental health services; for children, young people and adults; seven days a week and out–of–hours, nationally and locally (West of IRL )

Free international counselling service for Irish citizens - so far they have supported our citizens with their mental health while abroad in 36 countries, and counting.

Their free gambling addiction counselling that is available nationwide by phone and online; seven days a week and out-of-ours

Their e-learning platform Mind Hacks (mindhacks.ie ) that provides free video and podcast libraries on mental health and student/employee wellbeing workshops.

Founder and CEO of Helplink Mental Health Lochlann Scott said that last year they were bowled over by the support that they received from the NUIG students who did a sea swimming challenge.

“Now that we are launching this inaugural national event called Coldtober, we hope that people all around the country will join us. Either by jumping into the water everyday in October, sponsoring a friend or family member, or by donating to these great services . All proceeds from Coldtober will go towards supporting the organisation to provide our much needed mental health services locally, nationally and internationally; thank you to everyone taking part and to our sponsors,” he said.


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