New TG4 series introduces those who came to the west of Ireland for better work-life balance

A new six-part series showcasing life in the west of Ireland will be aired on TG4 starting on September 23.

Hosted by Mary Kennedy, each episode follows a family or an individual who has moved to the west searching for a better work/life balance and new career opportunities.

Produced by Dundara Television & Media, the programme explores the many opportunities that the western region has to offer across multiple sectors.

According to the producer and director of “Moving West” Enda Grace, the series is very timely. “The Covid-19 pandemic gave people the opportunity to re-assess their lives in many ways,” he says.

“Remote working and the hybrid model of work have suddenly become very real options. Covid-19 has propelled the concept of working from home which makes such a move no longer a dream for many people.

“In the past, people thought moving west wasn’t a viable option due to deficiencies in broadband, infrastructure or lack of career opportunities. We found when filming the show that these barriers are no longer in place, with many choosing to work from a hub, start their own business and ample job opportunities across all sectors from FDI to indigenous.”

Western Development Commission chief executive officer Tomás Ó Síocháin said: “The west of Ireland is seizing the opportunity to renew itself by attracting thousands of young professionals and families to make new lives in the region. This new series reflects the findings of our National Remote Work Survey recently conducted with NUIG highlighting that people are now choosing to find more to life in the west of Ireland.

“The transition to remote work has allowed people to choose where to live and throughout the series we meet those now working from home, from a hub or finding a new role with one of the many employers across the region. Our new platform highlights some of these roles and, the National Hubs Network, offers employees the opportunity to find a suitable base for their remote work outside the home.

“For employers offers a connected, sociable work environment and for communities, it’s a driver of economic and social change. The series highlights the vibrant towns and villages that can and should benefit from our diaspora returning home and those finding a new life across the region.”

Carol Ho, who moved from Hong Kong, and runs her company Baseworx along with husband Keith, is featured in the Galway episode.

Stuart Forrest, who arrived from South Africa with his family to set up the European headquarters of Emmy and Bafta award winning animation company, Triggerfish, also discusses their journey.


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