What about the sea goddesses?

New exhibition at Engage Art Studios gives voice to the stories of female water deities

THINK OF the gods of the sea and there is really only one name - the Greek sea god, Poseidon, or Neptune if you are more familiar with his Roman name.

Perhaps you might also have heard of Pontus, the primordial Greek sea god, or maybe Proteus, the river and ocean god who Odysseus had to contend with in The Odyssey. Either way, these ancient sea deities are all very male, so what about sea goddesses? Boann, Danu, Lir Bán, Nehalennia, Rán, Bunzi, Funza, Mazu, and Sedna? What about their stories?

Galway artist Jojo Hynes will be giving voice to these overlooked sea goddesses in a new exhibition as part of the Galway international Arts Festival.

They Heard Her Voice in the Lapping Waters is running at the Engage Art Studios, Churchfields, Salthill, until September 16.

Via film, sound, painting, and drawing, this exhibition explores both myth and mystery of these once revered goddesses who fizzled in and crashed out of our collective memory like water lapping the shore. Are you sure it was seaweed that touched your swimming toes?

Gallery opening times are Mondays to Saturdays from 11am to 4pm. Booking is available, but not essential, via engageartstudios@gmail.com.


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