The purpose of speech and drama with Claire Power

Speech and drama is a powerful way to empower students and enable them to develop self confidence, a creative imagination, empathy, and interpersonal skills. Students become better communicators in life as it involves using their voices and tones, facial expressions, body language, and movements, all of which are crucial in making students better communicators. This strong communication skill set will stay with them through life. Students develop their speech skills as they explore dramatic monologues, and while speaking poetry and prose. With clear articulation, and correcting any speech faults, they grow confident enough to speak in front of an audience.

Speech and drama also aims to facilitate each student’s personal development, while nurturing fluent, expressive, speech and encouraging students to communicate clearly, introducing students to the world of literature in a fun way.

They also explore public speaking and the power of persuasive speech as it enables them to find their own signature voice.

Classes are held in the Ardilaun Hotel on Mondays (after school ). Students can choose to take accredited exams with the Leinster School of Music and Drama (Griffith College ) in acting, or public speaking, or grades, through to certificate level.

Book your place now. Contact Claire at 085 101 77 66. Check out


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