Two pounds of fat is 7,000 calories. If you want to lose two pounds in one week, you need to create a calorie deficit of 500 calories per day. You can create the calorie deficit either by consuming less calories or by burning more calories through exercise.
Long term successful weight loss can only come about from long term changes that can be sustained over the long term. This safe, common sense, type of supported weight loss is usually associated with a slower, consistent, weight loss of one to two pounds per week.
Patrick Murphy, medical herbalist, with more than 25 years' experience working with people with health and weight issues, has spent the last three years researching foods that are both alkaline and acidic. He has found, through this research, that the correct way to use the alkaline and acidic food charts for success is to consume 80 per cent alkaline foods and 20 per cent light to medium acidic foods.
Mr Murphy, author of the book Weight Management for Life, has developed a safe and healthy liquid food supplement, which is based on organic and vegan natural vegetables, fruit, and natural fibre, to help people with weight management for life. This supplement complements his clients' long-term weight management plans, to allow them build a safe and healthy lifestyle.
Patrick Murphy's weight loss programme is only available through his clinics, which allows him support and help clients with their progress and challenges.
His next herbal and weight management clinic is in the Clayton Hotel, Galway, on Saturday, September 4, from 8am to 8pm.
It is advisable to book early to guarantee an appointment on the day. Contact Patrick Murphy, medical herbalist, on 093 27033 or mobile 085 8810692, or email