Pedal power back to the fore next month

Nationnal bike to work day next month

Cyclists are taking over for a week in September when Galway will join National Bike Week 2021.

National events will include family and group cycles on September 12 and a bike to work day on September 14 as the country is encouraged to switch to pedal power.

Sponsored by National Transport Authority and Galway City Council, the week's aim is to encourage cycling for everyone in the community, reaching out through local authorities, sports partnerships, workplaces, campuses and schools.

The event will help new and less confident cyclists to improve their skills, while also educating the community about road rules and the importance of road safety to protect vulnerable road users.

In line with a move towards an eco-friendly environment, National Bike Week also promotes cycling as healthy and low-cost.

Apply to city council

National Bike Week 2021 is taking place again this year from Sunday September 12 until Saturday September 18.

Despite Covid-19 restrictions last year, a number of successful Bike Week Events were held on line and included Tri Talking Sport, the launch of innovative, self-guided city cycling app, while Shantalla Residents' Association, Ard Family Resource Centre, NUI Galway, Colaiste Iognaid, Galway University Hospital, and Galway Cycling Campaign all staged special events to celebrate the week.

Any group or organisation that would like to organise a bike week event this year can download application forms from the Galway City Council website. Applications will be accepted up to Monday August 30 at

All Bike Week Events in 2021 must comply with the public health advice that is in effect at the time of the event.

The National Transport Authority and Galway City Council are funding Bike Week 2021 similar to previous years.


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