New pedestrian bridge will enhance Galway's iconic Salmon Weir

Pedestrian bridge will function as both transport infrastructure and architectural and urban amenity space

Construction is expected to commence early next year on a new pedestrian and cycle bridge parallel to the existing Salmon Weir Bridge.

An Bord Pleanala has given approval to the Galway City Council to proceed to develop plans as part of its transport strategy.

Brendan McGrath, chief executive of the Galway City Council, has welcomed the news, saying the decision allows the council to progress it to the next stage.


“This decision to approve the project is great news. The proposed Salmon Weir Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge forms part of the Galway Transport Strategy (GTS ) - the objective of which is to enhances sustainable travel within the city centre and reduce dependency on the private motor vehicle, in line with national transport and planning policies.”

The Galway City Council secured co-funding for the proposed development under the European Regional Development Fund with matched funding from the National Transport Authority.

“This significant development will tie in closely with other projects such as BusConnects Galway, public realm improvements on Newtownsmith; and the creation of a civic plaza at the Cathedral/Gaol Road. These will all work together to create safer spaces for pedestrians and cyclists as they move through the city, as well as a more enjoyable public realm for all.


Mr McGrath added that the bridge, which will have views of the River Corrib, the Salmon Weir, the Galway Cathedral, and the natural and built heritage of the area, will function as both “transport infrastructure, and architectural and urban amenity space”.

The Galway City Council’s strategic objectives for transport are to promote and encourage sustainable transport, to manage the traffic in away which maximises mobility and safe movement, and to maintain and develop/upgrade infrastructure.


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