Indoor sports clubs may ‘go extinct’ without a plan for their return, warns Cubbard

‘The survival of many clubs is at risk’

Indoor sports and hobby clubs throughout Galway city are “in crisis”, and many may go extinct, unless plans are put in place for the return of indoor classes and training.

This is the warning from Independent Galway City Central councillor, Mike Cubbard [pictured below]. He said that as society gradually re-opens, clubs which profile dort indoors sports and arts need to be considered and assisted.

“We have seen a gradual easing of restrictions in most sectors,” he said. “The hospitality sector is slowly recovering, the entertainment industry is trialing events for 500 people, and as a football coach I have seen firsthand the benefit to children who were able to return to training outdoors.”


However, the former Mayor said the same attention is not being paid to basketball, karate, dancing etc, and that the Government and NPHET need to develop a plan.

“I have spoken to many who play, coach, and volunteer for indoor activities, and each tell me a similar story of how this is now at a crisis stage,” said Cllr Cubbard. “The mental wellbeing of so many is now affected. The survival of many clubs is at risk.

“The right time to place more faith and trust in those volunteers and clubs who provide indoor training and activities. Let's trust they will carry out the necessary precautions to ensure members are safe on their return.”


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