Gardaí sieze more than €11,000 worth of suspected cannabis herb

No arrests have been made, but garda investigation is continuing

Gardaí in Galway seized more than €11,000 worth of suspected cannabis herb at a house in the Murrough area of the city on Friday evening.

As part of Operation Tara, gardaí conducted a search under warrant with approximately €11,000 worth of suspected cannabis herb discovered along with a smaller quantity of suspected cocaine.

These drugs were seized and are subject to forensic analysis. No arrests have been made, but an investigation continues.

Operation Tara has a focus on tackling street-level dealing in cities, towns, and villages across the country. Launched at the start of last month the objective of Operation Tara is to protect communities from illegal drugs.

"The focus of Operation Tara is to disrupt, dismantle and prosecute drug trafficking networks, at all levels - international, national, local - involved in the importation, distribution, cultivation, production, local sale and supply of controlled drugs," a Garda statement said.

"Under Operation Tara, individuals and groups involved in the drug trade will be the target of enforcement activity based on intelligence and the latest crime trends."


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