Merit Medical and ‘Your County, Your Colours’ show appreciation for frontline workers

During the pandemic, our frontline workers have worked tirelessly to keep us safe and well. In these difficult times they have certainly made the ultimate sacrifice to help save other people.

Tommy Devane, a GAA commentator with Galway Bay FM and former inter-county player came up with an initiative to acknowledge their incredible work. In association with Paul Byrnes Media, they asked all 32 counties to supply one county jersey accompanied by a short message of thanks. The jersey along with their message was then framed and sent to the hospital or care setting of the county’s choice. The care setting chosen for Galway was UCHG.

Merit Medical Galway were delighted to get on board as the main sponsors of this initiative. They had one request, once all the jerseys had been delivered to the main care facilities throughout Ireland, Merit Medical asked for one last delivery – Greenpark Nursing Home Tuam.

Greenpark Nursing Home peaks a particular interest with the employees of Merit Medical, Galway, as former employee Shane Grogan now resides there. Shane was employed by Merit Medical at the time of an incident which left him with life changing injuries in August 2012.

Karen Smyth, Communications Leader with Merit Medical said its employees have never forgotten their colleague, Shane Grogan.

“We see the “Your County, Your Colours” as a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work of the Frontline workers in Greenpark nursing home. This is just a small token of appreciation of their efforts, they do an amazing job not just during the pandemic but every day”.

On behalf of the Grogan family, Joe Grogan relayed his thanks most sincerely to the management and staff of Merit Medical for this presentation.

“A special word of thanks to the Accounts Department, where Shane worked prior to his accident. They have always kept Shane foremost in their thoughts and hopefully, the visits will start again soon. We would like to acknowledge all the staff at Greenpark Nursing Home for their efforts over the last few months. Thank you to Tommy Devane for this wonderful initiative.

“We would also like to acknowledge the wonderful doctors and staff at the Shannon Ward in UCHG for taking such good care of Shane during his 10 day stay with them,” he said.

Brian McNamara, Greenpark Nursing home said they would like to sincerely thank Merit Medical, along with “Your County Your Colours” for this wonderful gift.

“We are honoured to have been thought of in this manner and it is our privilege to look after Merit’s colleague Shane Grogan. In our caring for Shane, there will always be a special bond between Merit Medical and Greenpark Nursing Home,” he said.


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