Survey: 57% of people would use Aldi’s Click & Collect or Deliveroo services whilst on staycation in Ireland this summer!

90% of people that took part in a recent Aldi survey have said that they are booking a Staycation/holiday in Ireland this year.

39% said that they would be staying in self-catering, camping, or mobile home with more people than ever looking at the camper van as a Staycation option. 40% said they would pick up essentials at a supermarket with over half those surveyed (57% ) saying they would consider Click & Collect for their grocery shop whilst on holiday.

When it comes to self-catering accommodation, there are a few things that we Irish take as a given – the survey revealed that Irish people feel that bin bags, toilet paper, cleaning products, milk, coffee, sugar, bottled water, matches, condiments, and of course teabags should be supplied, along with good kitchen equipment (corkscrews, tin opener, sharp knives ) and hairdryers!

What do Graham Norton, Amy Huberman, Doireann Garrihy, Pierce Brosnan, Henry Cavill, Cher and Chris Hemsworth all have in common? They were among the responses given by people when asked which celebrity they would most like to accompany them on a Staycation/holiday in Ireland! Others names included Niall Horan and Ariana Grande (great for singalongs around the campfire ), Stephen Fry and Joanne McNally (providing comedic commentary ) and RuPaul (sheer entertainment! ).

Pick up your Staycation necessities at 147 Aldi stores nationwide!

Galway Stores offering Click & Collect:

• Aldi, West City Retail Park, Galway

• Aldi, Oranmore, Newtown Centre, Galway

Galway Stores offering Deliveroo:

• Aldi, Rahoon, Knocknacarra, Galway

• Aldi, Headford Road, Units 7/8 Galway Retail Park, Galway

• Aldi, West City Centre Retail Park, Seamus Quirke Road, Galway


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