Foreign travel uncertainty increases house swap interest

The continuing uncertainty over foreign travel, combined with the shortage of available holiday homes, has led to many people considering a house swap as the solution to this year’s ‘where to holiday’ dilemma.

According to Kevin Murphy, of new website, many people are still unsure if they will be able to travel safely this July or August. ‘The digital passport sounds fine in theory, but if holidays are about anticipation, relaxation and enjoyment, do people really want to be listening to news bulletins in the days before departure to make sure they can travel safely. Also, the additional cost of PCR or other tests for family members, and the possibility that these may produce a positive result, has led to many giving up on the idea of taking a flight or a ferry in 2021’.

A quick browse through the holiday rental possibilities shows many of Ireland’s most popular destinations already booked out, and exorbitant prices being charged for some of the remainder.


House swaps are suited to people from all walks of life, but Kevin Murphy says membership of a house swap website is particularly suited to those with time on their hands, who can travel when it suits them.

‘Teachers and retired people have traditionally joined house swap websites in large numbers, as they can avail of travel opportunities at various times throughout the year’.

Kevin lists the advantages of this new type of holiday experience, ‘all the comforts of home, a great value, cost-effective way to holiday, free accommodation, travel at a time to suit you, no Covid-19 international travel fears, no flight or ferry charges, no airport delays, no luggage limits, no language difficulties, choose a family with kids of a similar age to your own, and the games will be waiting for you on your arrival’. ‘A home swap allows you spend time in another part of the country, and live like a local, swap country living for a spell in the city or stay close to family and friends, without intruding, and the extra cash saved allows you enjoy some additional treats at this special time’, adds Kevin.



What about concerns over privacy and security, a reason why some people are reluctant to join home swap sites?

‘You only exchange once you are satisfied with the member you are swapping homes with’ Kevin replies, adding that he has never had any issue with privacy or security in his experience of dozens of exchanges. Once, in his experience, a couple he swapped home with kept one of the rooms locked, and explained they had some personal items left in there’ ‘It was no big deal’, Kevin said, ‘it was still a beautiful house’.

People also often list their second or holiday homes on house swap websites.

‘From Galway city to Clifden or Westport, from Ballina to the lakes of the midlands, from Wicklow to Cork or Kerry, and from Dublin to Donegal’, Kevin expects more and more people to consider new holiday options in this new Covid-19 world., the Irish home swap website, which has recently been developed is offering a full years membership free of charge for those who list their homes before the site’s official launch later this month.


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