‘Love Your Beach Week’, a new initiative from the Galway City Council and Clean Coasts Ireland, launches this Saturday, and runs until Friday July 16.
The initiative will see seven beach clean-ups on seven Galway city beaches, followed by a treasure hunt, a flash mob dance, summer bird watching, talks from local experts on biodiversity, and games for all the family.
The events begin at Ballyloughane Beach this Saturday at 11am and move westwards along Dead Man’s Beach, close to Galway Harbour (Sunday, 11am ); Claddagh Beach (Monday July 12, 5pm ); Grattan Beach Tuesday 13, 5pm ) Ladies Beach, Salthill (Wednesday 14, 5pm ); Rusheen Beach (Thursday 15, 5pm ); and Silverstrand (Friday 16, 5pm ). All events are subject to Covid-19 public health guidelines.
Seven Galway City Clean Coast groups will be taking the lead in the cleans-ups: Beach Buds, Curiocean, Galway 2020 Wavemakers, Galway Atlantaquaria, The Eglinton Hotel direct provision centre, Knocknacarra Tidy Towns, and Bailte Slachmara Bearna.
'Incredible resources for nature'
“Galway is in the enviable position of having a number of beautiful beaches right on its doorstep,” said Ray Foley of Clean Coasts Ireland. “These are incredible resources for nature but also for our health and wellbeing. The more people we can get to engage with these places in a positive way, the more likely they will be maintained and improved into the future.”
The initiative is part of the council’s ongoing ‘Be part of the solution, not part of the pollution’ environmental campaign.
For a full program of events and litter clean-ups, see https://www.galwaycity.ie/love-your-beach-week or email environment@galwaycity.ie.