Owen Ward honoured with mayoral reception

The achievements of Owen Ward were celebrated at a socially distanced Mayoral reception in Leisureland last Friday.

A native of Galway and a member of the Irish Traveller community, he has played a key role in the establishment of the University of Sanctuary scholarships at NUI Galway which are open to International Protection Applicants, refugees, vulnerable immigrant groups, and Irish Travellers.

Despite being an early school leaver, with no Junior Certificate or Leaving Certificate, following the successful completion of the NUI Galway Access Programme, he has graduated with a B.A. (Hons ) and masters in post primary education (PME ).

He is a programme coordinator at the Access Centre, NUI Galway, and a committee member of Údarás na hOllscoile (NUI Galway Governing Authority ), the first Irish Traveller to be elected to a university governing authority in Ireland.

Mayor of Galway City, Cllr. Mike Cubbard said: “Owen’s commitment to widening participation in higher education for students from diverse and socio-economic disadvantaged backgrounds has been remarkable.”

In honour of his work, Owen Hard was presented with a Galway Crystal plate by Mayor Cubbard.


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