O’Reilly seeks debate on breastfeeding rates in Ireland

State has one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world

A total of 64 per cent of women initiate breastfeeding when they enter hospital, but only 37 per cent leave hospital breastfeeding.

These figures have prompted Galway Green Party senator, Pauline O’Reilly to call for a debate on breastfeeding rates in Ireland.

“We have one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world,” she said in Seanad Éireann this week. “We have to examine why that is. The WHO has said breastfeeding is the most appropriate thing a state can put its money behind to promote health.”

Sen O’Reilly also sought clarity from the Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly, on the recent appointment to Safefood Ireland of an executive from an infant formula manufacturing company.


“This is concerning because we have unprecedented commitments in our Programme for Government around breastfeeding and maternal health,” she said.

Sen O’Reilly noted the 24 GPs who wrote about their concern around the recent appointment. She also highlighted a 2020 report in The Lancet medical journal which found “that large manufacturers of breast milk substitutes have inappropriately positioned themselves as sources of public health expertise”.

“Let us put money into lactation consultants to support women,” said Sen O’Reilly, “but let us also make sure we are appointing the correct people in the correct way to our health-promotion organisations.”


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