Council approves loans to supply local charities with four properties

Galway Simon, COPE, and Peter McVerry Trust to get properties at Western Distributor Road, Ruxton Court, and Roscam

The Galway City Council has approved loans totaling €930,000 to supply local charities with four properties.

Under the Capital Assistance Scheme provision of housing for people with specific categories of need is funded.

The Galway Simon Community applied to the Department of Housing for the acquisition of a two bedroomed apartment at Lui na Greine on the Western Distributor Road.

COPE Galway applied for a one bedroomed apartment at Ruxton Court, Dominick Street Lower as part of the Housing First initiative which aims to deliver 30 accommodation units over three years.

Peter McVerry Trust applied for a two bedroomed apartment at Boireannn Bheag, Roscam, and one four bedroomed house at Tur Uisce, Doughiska.

At Monday's meeting it was confirmed that the relevant properties in the respective schemes will be given to families using homeless services, who are on the housing waiting list.


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