.... Advertiser.ie - Come out and clean the beach

Come out and clean the beach

Salthill beach will be receiving a thorough clean on Saturday, September 20 at 2pm as part of the Galway Atlantaquaria & Marine Conservation Society’s (MCS ) annual Beachwatch litter survey and clean-up.  

The Atlantaquaria and MCS are looking for volunteers to ensure the success of the Beachwatch 2008 clean. Last year over 30 volunteers took part and collected 32 sacks of rubbish from Salthill and Grattan Beach alone, while each piece of litter collected is recorded on survey forms and analysed by Galway Atlantaquaria and MCS.

Since it began in 1993, MCS Beachwatch has become the most extensive monitoring programme for beach litter and thousands of volunteers help MCS turn the tide on litter each year.

Anyone wanting to take part and help Atlantaquaria make Beachwatch 2008 the biggest yet should contact Galway Atlantaquaria on 091-585100 or email Atlantaquaria@eircom.net



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