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Hundreds of trees cut down in Claregalway

Sometime between St Patrick’s Day March 17 and Saturday March 22 more than 300 recently planted hedging trees were cut down around commercial lands at Ardgaineen, Claregalway.

Gardaí are asking anyone who may have seen this damage being caused or anyone with any information that could assist with this investigation to contact Loughgeorge Garda Station on 091-798122.

Separately, on Sunday May 23 between 3pm and 11pm, extensive damage was caused to the front door of a house at An Torn Óg, Headford Road.

Gardaí are asking anyone who may have witnessed this incident or may have seen anything that could help their investigation to contact them at Galway Garda Station on 091-538000.

Gardai advice about meet-ups

An Garda Síochána continues to remind the public not to gather in large groups. Restrictions remain in place regarding organised events and organisers of events in breach of current public health regulations may be prosecuted.

Gardaí in Galway and Salthill were aware of a car meet up which took place in the county on Sunday May 22. A policing plan was put in place throughout the day to monitor the situation.

Gardaí engaged with this group and advised them to disperse. Gardaí are reminding drivers to stay safe on the roads and be respectful of all road users.

They also ask drivers to show respect for local residents and to keep noise down at all times. They remind drivers that they are open to prosecution if found they are in breach of any road traffic regulations.

Anyone who suspects that a crime is being committed may contact Galway Garda Station on 091-538000, Salthill Garda Station on 091-514720 or call 999.


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