Repairing the human brain

For decades scientists have been looking at the human brain, and trying to figure out what causes learning difficulties and conditions like autism, ADHD, and asberger's syndrome.

A recent discovery has proved that brain functions can be altered, and as a result a computer programme called Fast ForWord has been developed. The programme has the ability to correct reading and writing difficulties along with specific language disorders.

Brought to Galway three years ago by Griffin Tuition director’s Maeve and James Lee, Fast ForWord has become the tool of choice in correcting disorders of the mind.

The company has also announced a programme specially designed for teenagers. It will deal with those who find school difficult, and perform poorly in exams. The company says that these problems need to be corrected before any genuine learning can take place.

Griffin Tuition also plans to introduce a programme that helps halt the memory loss associated with diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s by as much as 10 years. It is hoped that this programme will provide both emotional and financial relief to immediate family living through these gradual and debilitating diseases.

The development offers a range of possibilities for dealing with the mind, even drivers with poor judgment will be able to address their difficulties after completing one of Griffin Tuition’s programmes.

To find out more call (091 ) 788 796 for an appointment.


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