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Four Galway city beaches water quality deemed safe for swimming

All four designated bathing areas in Galway city have been deemed safe for swimming in 2021 following the publication of the EPA’s annual report on bathing water quality in Ireland.

Salthill and Silverstrand have retained their excellent status, Grattan Road Beach has retained sufficient status and Ballyloughane Beach has been upgraded from poor to sufficient.

Sampling at all four beaches will recommence on June 1 when the bathing season starts.

A statetement from the Galway City Council said: “This is a very good result for Galway city and we will continue to monitor the quality of our bathing waters.”

Connolly expresses concerns with outdoor drinking

At Monday’s online Galway City Council meeting Deputy Mayor Colette Connolly expressed concern about outdoor drinking, when she proposed a motion to convene a special meeting to deal with what she called ‘a serious issue’.

It sparked an interesting debate with Cllr Mike Crowe responding remarking that Cllr Connnolly ‘has no appreciation for what the hospitality industry has gone through in the last 12 months’.

Cllr Crowe also stated his confidence in Galway City Council officials and the gardaí. Cllr Connolly asked Cllr Crowe to withdraw his comments saying they were ‘grossly unfair’, but he refused to.

Brendan McGrath, Galway City Council chief executive, confirmed discussions have taken place with the chief superintendent with a further meeting planned.

Mr McGrath added that the council does not support outdoor drinking.— Cian O’Connell

Council to support programme of events

The Galway City Council will support a programme of cultural and arts activity later this summer.

At Monday’s Galway City Council meeting director of services Brian Barrett responded to queries from elected members.

Cllr Eddie Hoare asked what the council’s position was in relation to holding outdoor events when restrictions ease further

Cllr Owen Hanley stated that the nightlife economy remains high risk, while also urging the council to think about attracting young people to the city.

Galway City Council director of services Brian Barrett said: “We will be looking to reignite and restart when appropriate. We want to support the local and creative sector to reinvigorate the city.”

He concluded: “It is our intention to underpin that with a programme this summer.” — Cian O’Connell

16-year-olds should get the vote, says O’Reilly

The right to vote should be extended to 16-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland, according to Green Party senator, Pauline O’Reilly.

Senator O’Reilly made the call in the Seanad this week, following last week’s local elections in Wales which saw 16 and 17-year-olds allowed to vote for the first time.

“If we want to get people engaged in politics, then people need to be engaged as early as possible,” she said. “It needs to go right through our education system, but in order for it to have meaning, young people have to be given a vote, because there is no point in saying ‘Here’s the education for something that might happen in several year’s time’.” — Kernan Andrews


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