New ‘east of the Corrib’ cycle-bus planned

With the boom in numbers of children cycling to school in the west side of the city, parents and grandparents living east of the Corrib are interested in setting up a cycle-bus from the east of the city to primary schools in the city centre.

One suggested route from Riverside is via the beautiful Terryland Forest Park in the Liosbán Business Park and then the cycle tracks along the Headford Road to St Nicholas’ Parochial School, the Mercy Primary School, St Patrick’s Primary School, and Scoil Iognáid (the ‘Jes’ ).

Another suggested route goes from Bóthar an Chóiste to Scoil San Phroinsias in Tirellan Heights, then through Crestwood and along the Dyke Road to the same city centre primary schools.

Reg Turner said, “I cycle with my children to school. There’s a lot of energy around now to enable children to cycle as a normal form of transport. An organised cycle-bus would give more children and parents the feeling of safety in numbers. Cycling is a sustainable, reliable, and healthy transport choice to get to school each day.”

Please get in touch if you and your family or your school would be interested in participating, or helping with the organisation. The selection of route(s ) and schools is dependent on numbers. Email Reg at


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