Council to consider designated areas for public drinking

Cllr Peter Keane calls on City Hall to ‘immediately consult’ with the gardaí and HSE on the issue

Certain public areas of Galway city are under consideration as places where the consumption of alcohol will be permitted for the forthcoming ‘outdoor summer’.

Under the current Regulation & Control of the Consumption of Intoxicating Liquor in Public Places Bye-Laws, adopted by the Galway City Council in 2015 the consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited in all public areas of the city.

However, under the bye-laws, the council CEO, in consultation with the gardaí and the HSE, may designate certain areas to which the prohibition will not apply at certain times and during certain events.


The matter was raised at Monday’s city council meeting by Fianna Fail Galway City West councillor, Peter Keane, who drafted the original bye-laws. Cllr Keane urged Brendan McGrath, the city CEO, to “immediately consult” with the gardaí and the HSE, so plans could be advanced to designate certain areas for outdoor drinking.

'Recent weeks have shown that neither the local authority nor the gardaí have the capacity or he appetite to enforce the bye-laws in every area throughout the city'

Cllr Keane said policing the current bye-laws by both the local authority and the gardaí was proving “nigh impossible” and that a balance could and should be struck whereby everybody is accommodated. “The bye-laws were intended to protect the public by placing a prohibition in public places, particularly public parks and beaches,” he said, “where families with young children in particular, can derive maximum enjoyment without the threat of anti-social behaviour arising from alcohol abuse and where alcohol has no place.”


However, he said with the gradual re-opening of society, and the plans for Galway to have an ‘outdoor summer, including outdoor dining and number of cultural events, a new approach needs to be taken - especially as the bye-laws provide for public areas to be designated for alcohol consumption under certain conditions.

“We cannot tolerate a situate where there is a free for all on this issue, and recent weeks have shown that neither the local authority nor the gardaí have either the capacity, or indeed the appetite to enforce the bye-laws in every area throughout the city,” he said. “Therefore I am calling on the city CEO, the gardaí, and the HSE to identify areas where the local authority can designate areas so people can enjoy a drink in the open air in a controlled and supervised environment.”


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