Ambitious plans to transform harbour revealed

Plans represent a 'once-in-a generation' opportunity to develop a new and sustainable urban quarter for Galway city

An ambitious and wide-ranging vision for a major regional development of Galway Harbour, which aims to transform the economic, social and cultural fabric of Galway City and the West of Ireland was launched yesterday (Wednesday ), kick starting an intensive six-week period of consultation with stakeholders and citizens.

The Galway Harbour Project which proposes a transformation of 17 acres of land surrounding the Inner Dock, represents a once-in-a generation opportunity to develop a new and sustainable urban quarter in Galway city.


Together with the proposed port extension, the backers say this represents an opportunity to expand the city to the water’s edge, future proof the port as a transport and renewable energy hub and support employment in the short, medium and long term.

Speaking to the Advertiser, Conor O’Dowd, CEO, Galway Harbour Company said that the vision is entirely consistent with Government policy, particularly Project Ireland 2040 The National Planning Framework, and aims to deliver housing and to bolster our region’s economic, cultural and sustainable offering, whilst also boosting recreational and cultural tourism.

'Breathing space for the city'


Mayor Mike Cubbard said the vision outlined for the Inner Dock lands will provide breathing space for the city by opening up the harbour as a public realm event space, by extending the city centre to Galway Harbour, and by creating green/blue links that connect up pedestrian and cycle routes along the river and waterfront.

Maurice O’Gorman, Chairperson, Galway Harbour Company, said the Vision presented is ambitious in the opportunities it can deliver for the City and the West of Ireland.

“The project will solidify Galway’s position as a driver of economic growth for the West of Ireland by providing new residential, commercial, recreational and cultural facilities along the water’s edge.

A decade to complete


The development of the massive tract of land will result in the creation of a sustainable urban living quarter to include key community and public realm initiatives and will change forever the manner in which the city interacts with the water.

The entire project may take up to a decade to conclude as the development of the inner dock will be delayed until it can be replaced by the working outer dock, planning for which is being sought at the moment.


However, the residential and public realm aspect away from the current port can proceed if planning and an acceptable proposal for development can be secured.

The Plan also aims to deliver a sustainable mixed-use urban quarter; the development of a cultural space on the iconic Centre Pier site; a realignment of the city to the sea.

Yesterday's announcement comes as Galway Harbour Company opens a six-week non-statutory public consultation which can be accessed at


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