Galway volunteers encouraged to ‘think small’ for National Volunteering Week

Five events to take place in Galway from May 17 to 23

Galwegians involved in the volunteering sector are encouraged to ‘think small’ for National Volunteering Week, which runs from Monday May 17 to Sunday 23.

The theme of this year’s NVW is ‘Small Actions, Big Impact’, with the emphasis being on the small ways people can make a difference, both to their local community and their own wellbeing.

“The last year has been hard on us all but there are small things we can do for ourselves, and for each other, that make a big difference,” said Galway Volunteer Centre manager, Donncha Foley. “We’re asking people to think small! Whether it’s picking up litter or doing something for yourself like meditation, even the smallest acts can have a big impact. We are also encouraging people to think about our other natural neighbours that depend on us for their survival.”

What is happening

The programme of events, run by Volunteer Ireland, will including five events in Galway: Kay Synott from Living Gardens will be giving tips on how groups, businesses, and individuals can garden to help our local wildlife (May 17 and 20 ); Ruth Fagan will host short Explore Volunteering workshops (May 18 and 19 ); and Sue Redmond, a renowned mindfulness practitioner, will lead an open workshop on practicing compassion (May 20 ).

National Volunteering Week is a time to recognise the contribution of volunteers to communities. “It’s our chance to say thank you to volunteers,” said Donncha. “Galway would be a much different place if it weren’t for the wonderful volunteers who give their time each year. This has never been more obvious than throughout the pandemic.”

For more information see The website allows volunteers and volunteer managers to sign up to free events across the week.


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