Due to Covid-19 and Government restrictions, South Connacht Citizens Information Service has temporarily suspended drop-in services at your local Citizens Information Centre. Like many other organisations they are doing our best to provide services remotely at this time.
They continue to deliver information, advice and advocacy services by telephone and email and continue to offer office appointments in exceptional circumstances.
They are still supporting clients with information and advice needs and we will continue to support and advocate for clients with Social Welfare reviews and appeals, and employment issues.
South Connacht Citizens Information Service hope to resume drop-in services for information, advice and advocacy as soon as Covid 19 restrictions allow us to do so safely.
They want to ensure that no one loses out on their rights and entitlements as a result of the current limitations on service provision. Please make contact South Connacht Citizens Information Service if you need support and they will do our best to provide you with the service you need.
You can speak confidentially with a locally based Information Officer who can help with your query; they can also post out any application forms you require and offer you support completing them over the phone.
You can contact the Galway office on 0761 07 7600; the email is galway@citinfo.ie
There is also a wealth of information which is updated daily on the website: www.citizensinformation.ie