Hanley calls for City Recovery Taskforce to be established

City Hall says there are ‘capacity and resource issues’ to consider, but that it will examine the possibility

A City Recovery Taskforce to help guide businesses, artists, and the wider community “as we enter the next phase” of the Covid-19 pandemic, must be established by the Galway City Council.

The call for such a body was made at this month’s council meeting by the Social Democrats Galway City East councillor, Owen Hanley. In response, City Hall officials said there would be “capacity and resource issues” to consider, but that there was “merit in the proposal”, and that the council will examine the possibility.

"We have all gone through an incredible year of difficulty and challenge,” said Cllr Hanley, “but there is reason to hope. We need a team to put in place the right strategy to help transition out of our current restrictions, but with many lessons learned. Leadership in this period is needed more than ever."


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