Higgins wants late night soccer leagues in Knocknacarra

Late night soccer leagues in Knocknacarra are being proposed by Cllr Clodagh Higgins.

Covid 19 guidelines have been breached in the area recently by teenagers with Cllr Higgins adamant that clubs and community groups could also be heavily involved.

“I believe this is an excellent opportunity for gardaí and youths in the area to engage on a meaningful level and it will act to improve community relations going forward,” Cllr Higgins says.

“I believe these leagues will act as a policing tool and develop informal channels of communication and overall improve community relations. I have spoken to Inspector Brian Ryan of Salthill Gardai Station who was very supportive of the proposal.”

Cllr Higgins is adamant that an organised programme of activity needs to be implemented.

“I believe an initiative of this nature would pay dividends as the programme will encourage at risk young people to participate in meaningful activities thus reducing antisocial behaviour however it is extremely important that the programme is run correctly,” Cllr Higgins adds.

“This proposal would result in gardaí playing in the leagues with the youths of the area. It will be a great opportunity for them to engage with young people and build relationships in a social environment. It is important to put forward initiatives as it has been a very difficult year for youths.

“Over the past 12 months gardaí have had a difficult job to do in policing restrictions which has had an impact on community relations and it is important these relationships are kept intact as this will have a positive impact for all.”

She concluded: “I will be enlisting the support and help of our soon to be appointed FAI officer along with Galway Sports Partnership and youth clubs in the area in order to have a proper structure in place in order to ensure its success.”


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