A battle to preserve local democracy, says Parsons

Cllr Dr Evelyn Parsons has called on Galway County Council to make a formal submission to the Minister for Housing Local Government & Heritage outlining the council’s “complete opposition” to the proposed provisions of the Land Development Agency Bill 2021. The Bill to set up the agency contains a number of clauses which would divest councillors of their veto on land transfers relating to the new agency.

“The proposed removal of the Section 183 reserved function of Elected Members in relation to the disposal of local authority held land to the LDA as provided for in Part 7 Section 56 of the bill is unacceptable and an affront to local democracy,” she said. As advocates for the empowerment of local government, we can never support or accept any diminution in the reserved functions and powers of elected Councillors.”

“I also have concerns regarding the potential long-term implications for local authorities in delivering social and affordable housing on local authority held land due to the extensive remit of the LDA. I believe that this is a major battle in our ongoing fight to preserve the local democratic function in the face of ever-increasing centralism, “Cllr Evelyn Parsons said in her motion at the 22nd March plenary meeting of Galway County Council which was unanimously supported by members.

The LDA Bill has admirable ideals in terms of providing social and affordable housing but she voiced fears that it is is “hiding an iron fist in a velvet glove which will strip important powers from local authorities, by effectively legalising a land grab and handing those local assets over to centralised quangos, developers, and the Land Development Agency without recourse to local oversight. Is this deja vu- where did we hear plans such as those before?” she said.

The Bill will focus initially on public lands in towns of over 10,000 people. It provides that the LDA will periodically report to Government on public lands which could be suitable for housing or urban development and the Government may direct that such lands be transferred to the LDA. The Bill also provides that the LDA will have first refusal to purchase public lands being put up for sale.


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