DO YOU have ambitions to create a new festival for Galway? Would you like to assist the Town Hall Theatre in drawing up a programme of events?
People aged between 18 and 29, and who have an interest in the arts are being sought by the Town Hall, and its partner venues in the NASC Theatre Network, to take part in the Young Curators Festival in June 2021.
Two young people are being sought to be the curators for Town Hall on this programme. They will be supported by a member of the Town Hall staff; receive support and mentorship from two arts practitioners, who will provide advice on negotiating deals and establishing connections with artists; and engage with young curator panels with partner venues.
The festival
The project will require intensive and regular online meetings and research from April 1 to early June to develop the festival programme, and delivery of the festival in mid-June (with a time commitment of roughly five hours each week ). Agreed fee/expenses will be paid, and the curators will be allocated a programme budget to manage.
The festival will aim to feature a high quality hybrid of online and live performance and workshops in a variety of disciplines such as theatre, spoken word, dance, and music. Work will be selected with adaptability in mind, should Covid restrictions prevent any of the live programme from happening.
The curators
Applicants should ideally live in or have a strong connection to Galway city or county and its communities; have a passion for the arts and for attending performance; enjoy working with a small team and organising events; interest in and experience of digital and social media.
Those interested should contact Fergal by email tht@galwaycity.ieno later than 5pm on Monday March 29. The email should take note of what is outlined above; include information about the applicant; and why they would like to participate in this project.