February is of vital importance for wildlife

To support and encourage wildlife in the garden in February is of vital importance. It is important to keep bird feeders topped up and to leave out water and food for animals emerging from hibernation if you know you have such callers to your garden. Hedgehogs in particular benefit from this act of kindness. If you have nest boxes in your garden, now is a good time to give them a clean with boiling water before any bird comes to your garden seeking a new nesting place for their young.

Leave the Dandelions alone!

Dandelions are now emerging in lawns and borders. What was once considered a weed, I would consider to be a wildflower, I would urge you to ‘leave them bee!!’ as they are a wonderful source of nectar for bees and pollinators. Where else would you get free wonderful yellow flowers to brighten up your garden this time of year. It is worth remembering that all parts of the plant are edible and really beneficial to the human body. A new year gardening resolution could be to give the dandelion a chance.

In the veg garden weather permitting now is a good time to prepare our veg beds for sowing by digging over the soil. This will help aerate, drain and warm the soil. When digging over, dig in compost from your compost heap, well rotted farm manure or garden centre bought compost. The work done now will be of benefit later on in the year when you are planting or sowing directly into the ground. You could also consider to chit first early potatoes by standing them in trays in a frost free place.


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