Let’s Get Talking benefit from Athenry Credit Union jumper event

With contributions from members, staff and the Board of Directors of Athenry Credit Union a total of €800 was raised as part of the Athenry Credit Union Christmas Jumper Week Fundraiser.

Philip Lavelle, Marketing Officer said they are so grateful to everyone who generously donated to their fundraiser.

“In the last two years we have partaken in the Christmas Jumper Fundraiser, this year we are delighted to have partnered with Let’s Get Talking as our chosen beneficiary of funds raised. Let’s Get Talking is a nonprofit Counselling and Psychotherapy service providing accessible, professional, non-set fee counselling and psychotherapy that is located in Galway and offer services nationwide.”

Amy Ní Chellallaigh from Let’s Get Talking said she would like to express her deepest gratitude at Let’s Get Talking to each of you in Athenry Credit Union.

The fundraising donation of €800 will go towards helping individuals and families experiencing mental health difficulties in the community we serve. Indeed here at our Centre, it’s rewarding and encouraging to witness, on a daily basis, the difference professional help makes in people’s lives.”

To find out more information about Let’s get Talking visit: letsgettalking.ie


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