Baboró seeks writers for new playwriting programme

Deadline looms for playwriting programme with internationally renowned playwright Finegan Kruckemeyer

YOU, FIN, and the Play Between is a new, six month playwriting programme which is seeking entrants, but the deadline is fast approaching.

The programme is a collaboration between Baboró International Arts Festival for Children, Graffiti Theatre, and Theatre for Young Audiences Ireland, with playwright Finegan Kruckemeyer.

Born in Ireland and based in Australia, Mr Kruckmeyer has had 100 commissioned plays performed on six continents and translated into eight languages. He is the winner of seven Australian Writers Guild Awards and the Mickey Miners Lifetime Achievement Award for international Theatre for Young Audiences,

The programme, entitled You, Fin and the Play Between, is for established and emerging playwrights based in Ireland who are interested in writing for young audiences. The deadline to apply for a place on this programme is February 8 at 12pm. Details are available at


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